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Women's Health

Avoid consumer products containing phthalates!

Avoid consumer products containing phthalates!

Chemicals used in packaging may play role in 100,000 US deaths a year! A new study published in the journal Environmental Pollution showed that daily exposure to phthalates, also known as plasticizers, may lead to hundreds to thousands of early deaths each year among older adults in the US.

Low fat milk consumption linked to PCOS

Low fat milk consumption linked to PCOS

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition characterized by hormonal imbalances, irregular periods, and/or the development of small cysts on one or both ovaries.

An article published in 2014 in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine showed a link between low fat dairy consumption and PCOS . (1)

In addition, a 2015 study published in the Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy found that a low starch/low dairy diet resulted in weight loss, improved insulin resistance, and reduced testosterone levels in women with PCOS. (2)


  1. Eating low fat dairy can increase levels of insulin growth factor which has been linked to PCOS.

  2. Milk contains growth stimulating hormones which increases androgens (ie. testosterone).

Interestingly, compared to low-fat dairy products, whole milk and fat-rich dairy products have a higher estrogen concentration. Since estrogen can decrease insulin growth factor, consumption of whole milk dairy has not been associated with PCOS.


Skip the milk! PCOS is just another hormonal imbalanced issue linked to milk consumption. Infertility, early puberty, acne, and ovarian cancer are all being linked to milk consumption in the research. The verdict is out on cheese consumption. However, limiting all dairy consumption is a good idea where hormone imbalances are involved.





Since 2005, Dr Fey has helped women, men, and children find real solutions to their health concerns. She truly believes that giving the proper care and nutrients your body has an amazing ability to heal. She is committed to finding the root cause of illness by utilizing a whole body approach not just focusing solely on presenting symptoms. With her scientific background, Dr Fey uses science based natural approaches to treating disease.

Dr. Amanda Fey is the owner and practicing Naturopathic Doctor at Complementary Medicine & Healing Arts, the Southern Tiers Center for Natural Healthcare located in the Binghamton NY area. The office website is Dr Fey is currently offering telemedicine for patients all across the US. To contact the office call 607-729-0591 or email  

Vitamin E is as effective as estrogen for postmenopausal vaginal atrophy

Vitamin E is as effective as estrogen for postmenopausal vaginal atrophy

One of the most common experiences of menopause are the changes that occur on the external genital tissue and intra-vaginal tissue, which can also affect urinary function. This is called genitourinary atrophy aka genitourinary syndrome. Many women experience one or more of the following symptoms in their genitourinary system when lacking hormones: vaginal discomfort, itching, burning, dryness, post-coital bleeding, thinning of tissue, bladder leakage, and/or urinary incontinence.

There are many options to address these genitourinary atrophic changes and symptoms. The most common conventional prescription is vaginal estrogen. However, many women do not feel comfortable using estrogen due to a variety of reasons and seek other options including over the counter lubricants, moisturizers, and herbal or nutritional supplements.

A study published in 2019 in the International Urogynecology Journal showed Vitamin E suppositories as an effective alternative to vaginal estrogen cream for relieving the symptoms of vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women. 52 postmenopausal women aged 40-65 years were randomly divided into two groups: vitamin E vaginal suppository and conjugated estrogen vaginal cream. Participants used the medications for 12 weeks. Improvement after the 12th week showed that the treatment was successful in both groups.

Vitamin E suppositories are excellent alternatives for any women with genitourinary syndrome symptoms. This not only includes postmenopausal women but also women who are not able to use hormone therapy like women diagnosed with hormonal cancers.



Since 2005, Dr Fey has helped women, men, and children find real solutions to their health concerns. She truly believes that giving the proper care and nutrients your body has an amazing ability to heal. She is committed to finding the root cause of illness by utilizing a whole body approach not just focusing solely on presenting symptoms. With her scientific background, Dr Fey uses science based natural approaches to treating disease.

Dr. Amanda Fey is the owner and practicing Naturopathic Doctor at Complementary Medicine & Healing Arts, the Southern Tiers Center for Natural Healthcare located in the Binghamton NY area. The office website is Dr Fey is currently offering telemedicine for patients all across the US. To contact the office call 607-729-0591 or email  




Yes, your hormones are likely imbalanced!


Yes, your hormones are likely imbalanced!

A 40-year-old woman arrives as a new patient in my office with chief complaints of fatigue, weight gain, anxiety/depression, hair loss, and headaches. She says feels ok only 1-week out of the month. She has told her conventional medical doctor numerous times that she feels her hormones are imbalanced. They check her hormones and tell her they are fine, and the woman walks away wondering why she feels this way. Her periods are normal so they must not be imbalanced. She’s tried antidepressants, but experiences too many side effects and so she discontinues them. She’s tried oral birth control pills, but she develops acne and her mood and weight intensifies so she discontinues them. She is feeling helpless.

Can you relate? I see this sort of case weekly in my office. What I find very frustrating is your doctor telling you that your hormones are balanced because your labs are within normal limits, but your doctor didn’t ask you where you were in your menstrual cycle! Levels of hormones change depending if you are in your follicular phase, mid-cycle phase, or luteal phase of your menstrual cycle. And, if you look at your lab report you will see different hormone levels for each phase. How can your doctor say your levels are normal if they didn’t find out out what phase of your cycle you are in?! The best time to check your hormones is during your luteal phase (Day 19, 20, or 21 of a 28 day menstrual cycle) which is when your hormone levels are the highest. It’s also important to check all your hormones not just your estrogen.

If you are experiencing hormonal symptoms like many of my patients are, yes, your hormones are likely imbalanced! Don’t suffer anymore! In my office, we offer 24-hour-urine testing to get a bigger picture of your hormone profile, so we can better understand the what exact hormones are imbalanced and to get to the root cause of your symptoms. The DUTCH test is a comprehensive hormone profile that looks at your ovarian hormones and their metabolites, adrenal hormones, and nutritional organic acids (Vitamin B12, B6, glutathione, dopamine, melatonin, and epinephrine markers). To learn more about the DUTCH test you can check out their website at or call my office to set up an appointment  607-729-0591. 

About the author

Since 2005, Dr Fey has helped thousands of women, men, and children find real solutions to their health concerns. She truly believe that giving the proper care and nutrients your body has an amazing ability to heal. She is committed to finding the root cause of illness by utilizing a whole body approach not just focusing solely on presenting symptoms.

Dr. Amanda Fey is the owner and practicing Naturopathic Doctor at Complementary Medicine & Healing Arts, the Southern Tiers Center For Natural Healthcare located in the Binghamton NY area. The office website is Her personal website is To contact the office call 607-729-0591 or email


Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss is a complaint that often comes up during my consultations with women. Here are the top 5 reasons I find as causes to hair loss in women.