When I decided to become a naturopathic physician serving my patients in Central, NY, and Northern PA, I knew I would probably be the first practitioner many of my clients may encounter that believed and practiced holistic medicine.

Many of us are accustomed to going to our primary care doctors when we feel under the weather and filling a prescription to get back to normal. In a lot of ways, dealing with traditional medicine is much more of a devotion to family traditions. Our moms took us to doctors as kids, just like our grandmother’s took them.

The problem is, recent research has found that patients are frequently being overprescribed medications and are desperate to find alternatives that actually treat the root cause of their health complications, not just the symptoms.

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As a naturopathic doctor in Endicott, I am keenly aware of the impact of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions on our overall health and wellness. Your body is a powerhouse! It’s naturally designed to heal you from the inside out. We like to maximize daily activities like eating, working out, reducing stress, and even doing chores to aide your body in harnessing its healing powers.

Nutrition and You

Thousands of years ago, Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician and the Father of modern medicine, declared “Let food be thy medicine.” General practitioners have since strayed away from using food to promote health, and instead, rely far too heavily on prescription drugs.

Your body is designed to pull the nutrients out of your breakfast sandwich and convert it into the energy required to grow strong muscles and bones and defend you from diseases.

The results are in! Countless studies are proving that food directly impacts everything from the ways our brains function, our energy, our mood, and our ability to fight off illnesses. Simply put, everything you eat, or drink has the power to either help your body heal or make you sicker.

The truth is, while we have endless options for food, many of the quick choice drive-thru’s we pass by on our daily commute or scroll through on UberEats, are nutritionally bankrupt. Just because you feel full after a meal, doesn’t mean your cells are satisfied. In fact, you could even be overweight, but starving for the right nutrition.

If that sounds like you, a naturopathic doctor can help! We perform personalized functional testing with our clients to identify what your body needs to operate at its peak. Even though you may be getting the right amount of nutrients, sometimes your body has difficulty absorbing and digesting them. We’ll identify specific antioxidant and nutrient requirements along with any metabolic abnormalities.

What is Lifestyle Counseling?

Naturopathic physicians know all too well that your health doesn’t exist in a vacuum. There are several environmental factors like stress, exercise, and relationships, and that we all have to juggle to stay healthy.

Many of us are working way too much, and not sleeping nearly enough. We tackle every day with a low hum of stress and anxiety in the background. This stress can wreak havoc on your mind and body. There are even studies linking stress to tension headaches, depression, and insomnia. Stress also weakens your immune system making you vulnerable to infections and increases your risk for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and heart attack.

Pills tend to treat the symptoms, but ignore the factors creating the symptoms. That’s why naturopathic doctors include lifestyle counseling in our individualized treatment plan. We care about laying the proper foundations for health and disease prevention.

Is there a Naturopathic Doctor near me?
As the popularity of naturopathic medicine rises, the desire for a different path to healing has increased for many American’s, too! If you’re looking for holistic services in the Ithaca, Syracuse, Binghamton and Scranton areas, you should give our Naturopathic medical office in Endicott a call. Trust me; the hardest part is just making the call. From there, we’ll will take care of the rest.

Let’s say you’ve booked a session with us in our Endicott office. Before you come in, we’ll have you fill out a health history questionnaire and gather all of your lab records, current medications, and supplements.

By the end of your first session, you’ll leave with a comprehensive individualized plan to start your journey to optimizing your health and vitality. Sound like a plan? Then let’s get started!