It’s that time of year! As I type this, I have a sick kid at home right now with a sore throat and fever. So, what are my go-to’s for my family during sore throat season. See below:

  1. Zinc

    Depending on the age, I either start a zinc lozenge or an oral zinc supplement at the onset of symptoms. Zinc has been shown to shorten the duration of colds by 33%.

  2. Honey

    1 tsp of honey 2x/day.

    Honey has natural anti-microbial activity and most children will never turn away some honey :-) Make sure its local! And, be aware if your child is less than 1 year old, they should not be given honey.

  3. Salt Water Gargle (My favorite sore throat remedy!)

    1 tsp of salt in 1/2 cup fo warm water, gargle for 30 seconds up to 4x/day.

    This can really reduce the swelling and ease the pain. Add some crushed garlic or some tincture of Hydrastis (goldenseal) in there if you’re being creative. However, for children they may not like the taste of the herb Hydrastis (goldenseal) or garlic so for compliance purposes sticking to just salt and water may work the best for them.

  4. Lemon & honey “tea” (Especially for any hoarseness or laryngitis!)

    Squeezing 1/2 lemon, plus adding 2 tsp of honey into a mug of warm/hot water and sip until finished, best to drink when still warm. This works wonders for recovering your voice. Can drink as many as you’d like per day.

  5. Chicken soup! (AKA “Jewish penicillin”)

    This has been studied in regards to upper respiratory infections and shows to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract. My twist is to add LOTS of garlic which will also increase its antimicrobial activity. And to top it off it also keeps you hydrated!

  6. Throat Mist

    It’s an herbal spray that contains Echinacea, Propolis, Osha, Hyssop, Southern Prickly Ash. I recommend spraying 1-2 sprays up to 10x/day. Call or email our office for more details.

    You can make your own by using herbs like dried bulk herbs like sage, echinacea, marshmallow root or licorice. (You could also just get throat coat tea) Seep the herbs or tea bag in hot water, let it cool, then strain it into a spray bottle and spray directly to the back of the throat. Guaranteed to ease discomfort and inflammation.

  7. Food avoidance

    I tend to get dairy out of the diet at first sign of any infection, especially sore throats. It can fuel the “mucus fire”. I also make sure to avoid foods that are difficult to swallow; and therefore, stick with mostly cooked foods and soups until the discomfort in the throat is eased.

    For more health tips, be sure to follow Dr Fey on Instagram @drfeynd,

    Facebook and Twitter at Dr. Amanda Fey, ND.

    About the author

    Since 2005, Dr Fey has helped thousands of women, men, and children find real solutions to their health concerns. She truly believe that giving the proper care and nutrients your body has an amazing ability to heal. She is committed to finding the root cause of illness by utilizing a whole body approach not just focusing solely on presenting symptoms.

    Dr. Amanda Fey is the owner and practicing Naturopathic Doctor at Complementary Medicine & Healing Arts, the Southern Tiers Center For Natural Healthcare located in the Binghamton NY area. The office website is Her personal website is To contact the office call 607-729-0591 or email